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Welcome to the Dialed In Podcast


Dialed In is a place to “Dial In”, to really hone in on that “truth” within, to make those little tweaks on the dial that bring us closer and closer to our highest self and who we are meant to be and and want to be in this world in this life.

Dialed in was born from some hard experiences I’ve had and some very important lessons that I’ve learned. By choosing to Dial In we can begin to live a more empowered life, where we choose joy, we choose love, and we choose growth. We choose the path that will help us dial into that highest self.

Through this podcast, I am excited to feature many important guests, including Doctors and experts in their fields of both conventional and natural healing & medicine, amazing people who have used the innate healing power within themselves to miraculously heal, as well as successful leaders in all walks of live who have overcome adversity to be their best and truest self.

I also hope to bring forth some of the knowledge that has been on this planet for millennia, held sacred with our Elders, Shamans, Yogis and Wisdom Keepers. I hope that through this, we can collectively evolve as a human species, as consciousness in a body. I hope that we can learn to love, to be, to heal. I hope that we can “dial in” to that infinite potential within us.

Peace & Love

Shannon Lynn


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Meet Your Host!


Shannon Lynn


Holistic Wellness Expert, Transformational Speaker, Yoga & Meditation Teacher, Humanitarian Advocate, Business Consultant, and Entrepreneur

Shannon Smadella is a dynamic and multifaceted Canadian entrepreneur, philanthropist, and former beauty queen, best known for her title as Miss Canada 2009. With a strong background in business, marketing, and public relations, Shannon has excelled in various industries, including fashion, beauty, and wellness. As an advocate for female empowerment and self-improvement, she is the founder of the Empowerment Project, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping women gain confidence, develop essential life skills, and achieve personal and professional success. In addition to her philanthropic endeavors, Shannon is a sought-after speaker, host, and spokesperson, sharing her passion for inspiring others and making a positive impact on the world.


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Submit Your Questions or Topic Ideas

We’d love to hear from you after listening to the podcast. If there are any topics you would like to hear shared or guests you’d like interviewed, drop us an email! We look forward to hearing from you!